Following PASSION is SCARY, but you DIE inside if you DON’T.

4 min readOct 18, 2023


From the time I was a child, I vividly remember imagining my life as a movie. I loved documenting little moments on this tiny film camera my father had. Even when there was no camera, I acted as if there was one and always danced and posed around trees and buildings like someone was trying to capture me.

You might be guessing that maybe my passion was modelling or even acting. It’s not. My passion was just romanticising my life, documenting the little moments, and inspiring people while doing that.

People highlight passion and make it so deep that sometimes you start wondering what your passion really is. Only if it’s something big, scary, and good enough to be told, then it’s passion.

“I’m passionate about filming, directing, and storytelling.”

“I’m passionate about art and creating something from scratch.”

“I’m passionate about reading histories and autobiographies.”

Unless your passion sounds extravagant and sophisticated, you don’t tell people or at least show a little bit of hesitation.

And then there’s me, with the most simple and cliche passion ever. Documenting my life to inspire others or make them happy. Huh, what?

This might sound stupid or strange to you, but hear me out. Documenting your life and putting it out there is scary. But NOT doing what I love and what I’m passionate about is scarier.

WHY? Because if I don’t, I miss out on the true essence and purpose of living my life the way I want. I miss out on the one thing that brings me absolute joy, and I’m slowly killing it inside me.

And if I kill that little dream and desire in me for the sake of assuming passion is overrated and it’s never going to get me far, I am just merely existing instead of feeling alive in this world.

Yes, passion can be overrated. Only if you decide it is. Yes, following passion can be scary. Only if you’re fearful in life.

We all go through life’s ups and downs, but it’s only in some moments that we experience this feeling of sheer joy and happiness that makes us feel glad that we’re alive.

It makes us have a different outlook on life, and sometimes we keep going by recalling those moments and expecting them to come back in our lives some way or another.

These little moments of joy can repeat more in your life if you follow what you love doing. I’m not asking you to quit your job, fight with your parents, or even take rash decisions about changing the direction of your entire life because you’re passionate about something and nobody understands it. I’m asking you to make time for it. I’m asking you to think and find ways and alternatives to pursue it, no matter what people tell you or how difficult it is.

I’m asking you to never give up on your truest passions, because if you do, you will slowly see yourself dying inside. Even if your passion is as simple as stargazing, scribbling doodles, or reading a comic book, just find time to do it. It sparks joy in your life. It makes you feel good about yourself. It makes your inner child happy.

Find ways to document it or turn it into a side project or hustle if you truly want that. Find ways to exercise the courage to be confident and proud of those little passions. They make you unique.

With this mindset, I decided to start a YouTube channel and just document my life there. Sometimes I talk about books, and sometimes I try to tell stories. Whatever it is I’m doing, I pray that with every video I post, it benefits or inspires people in some way. I at least pray that it brings joy into people’s lives, which is essentially my purpose in life.

So here I am, writing this fearlessly and urging you to follow your dreams and passions, one step at a time. If you don’t do this, you kill your soul, and you kill the simple joy of living life the way you want. Don’t do that. Make some time for your passions and dreams. It’s been planted in your mind for a reason.

I have a YouTube channel where I post videos related to self improvement and books, so check it out here:




Over-sharing my thoughts & giving you free advice about life because every single person deserves to shine brightly & become their best version <3