4 min readOct 15, 2023


Being a 24/7 content creator, my mind is constantly flooded with creative ideas, and it’s active all the damn time. Sometimes, it’s a good thing because you get a lot of enlightening ideas that help you create unique content, but sometimes you feel lazy. You don’t execute any of the ideas you get. This is the drawback of being your own boss.

There is nobody to hold you accountable for your work. There is nobody monitoring or managing you. In fact, you sort of have to wear every thinking cap possible if you cannot afford delegation. Not only does this accelerate the possibility of burnout, but it also leaves you feeling worthless and useless when you don’t get the results you expected.

So here’s how you can be your own boss and take control of your life:


There’s magic in checking off your daily tasks after you finish them. In fact, it signals your brain that you are an achiever and that you can accomplish anything you want. The easiest way to turn our dreams into reality is by physically writing down our daily goals on a piece of paper. Write down your dreams and work towards them, one task at a time. This acts as a constant reminder for you to be “that boss” who needs to get work done, and this also improves your focus on those tasks. The only thing you must avoid doing at all costs is writing down too many things to do throughout the day. Your to-do list works best when it contains a maximum of 4–5 tasks. Your first two tasks should always be your most important ones. These two tasks are non-negotiable. You cannot avoid them at any cost. This to-do task allows you to stay accountable, reach all your goals on time, and be the boss you always imagined yourself to be.


For achieving anything in life, your mindset matters the most. Only if you have a clear and positive mindset can you can work towards your goals and fully dedicate yourself. Any negativity in your mind will hinder your growth and overall performance. Nothing matters more than your mindset. Only if you can see it in your mind can you make it happen in reality. You can become your own boss only if you can train your mind to believe that your dreams are possible. So keep feeding your mind with positivity and good energy.


It can get very tough to be your own boss because you usually have the flexibility to work whenever you want and wherever you want. It’s difficult to achieve your goals when you don’t have a proper schedule or routine to follow. We work better and are more productive when we have a routine that we can follow every day. Time blocking for 60–90 minutes is mandatory if you want to do some deep work. In order to attain your best results and show your highest performance, enter your very own flow state and schedule every single task


Whether it’s through a habit tracker or simply a performance tracker, ensure you are always tracking to measure your progress. Tracking helps you identify what’s working and what’s not. Tracking also helps you change your strategy or be mindful of getting better if your performance is lacking. Usually bosses in MNCs’ track their employees’ performance for performance appraisals or promotions. So if they can do that, why can’t you?


In a nutshell, you can be your own boss only when you act like it. The more delusional your mindset is about being a boss, the more you can feel it within and act like one. “Fake it till you make it” is a life motto you must’ve heard of. But my life motto is “fake it till you become it”. This is the only SECRET to owning and controlling your life like a REAL BOSS.

I have a YouTube channel where I post videos related to self improvement and books, so check it out here:




Over-sharing my thoughts & giving you free advice about life because every single person deserves to shine brightly & become their best version <3